Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
KUALA LUMPUR: Gempar apabila pelancong dan rakyat tempatan melihat seekor ular sawa ‘sesat’ melintas jalan di Bukit Bintang di sini, semalam.
**ULAR SAWA pun nak g Shopping Gak kan!!...xkan kita jer....hahaha.....**
Kehadiran ular sawa batik sepanjang dua meter itu mencetus tanda tanya berikutan lokasi ia ditemui terletak di tengah-tengah ibu kota dikelilingi bangunan konkrit.
Dalam kejadian jam 12 tengah hari itu, ular sawa seberat kira-kira 20 kilogram itu melintas jalan tanpa mempedulikan orang yang lalu-lalang di kawasan berkenaan.
Pegawai Kanan Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Jalan Hang Tuah, Ifzuady Rosli Ch’eng, berkata seorang pengawal keselamatan yang melihat kehadiran ular itu segera menghubungi pihaknya.
“Kami terima panggilan jam 12.05 tengah hari dan tiba di lokasi empat minit kemudian. Namun, ular itu sudah beredar dari permukaan jalan.
“Ular terbabit dikesan cuba bersembunyi dalam pokok hiasan berhampiran kawasan berkenaan,” katanya ketika ditemui di sini, semalam.
Menurutnya, empat anggota mengambil masa lima minit menangkap ular itu yang cedera di perut.
“Kami bersedia menyerahkan ular berkenaan kepada pihak bertanggungjawab atau melepaskannya di kawasan hutan simpan,” katanya.
Ifzuady berkata, pihaknya juga hairan dengan kewujudan ular sawa di kawasan berkenaan, namun tidak menolak kemungkinan ia dimiliki individu yang tinggal di kawasan berhampiran. -sumber: Harian Metro
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Why??? Nice facts....
Why is it called a hamburger although it contains no ham?
During a trip to Asia in the early 1800s, a German merchant – it is said – noticed that the nomadic Tartars softened their meat by keeping it under their saddles. The motion of the horse pounded the meat to bits. The Tartars would then scrape it together and season it for eating. The idea of pounded beef found its way back to the merchant’s home town of Hamburg where cooks broiled the meat and referred to it as it as Hamburg meat.
German immigrants introduced the recipe to the US. The term “hamburger” is believed to have appeared in 1834 on the menu from Delmonico’s restaurant in New York but there is no surviving recipe for the meal. The first mention in print of “Hamburg steak” was made in 1884 in the Boston Evening Journal.

However, there is another claim to that throne. There is an account of Frank and Charles Menches who, also in 1885, went to the Hamburg, New York county fair to prepare their famous pork sausage sandwiches. But since the local meat market was out of pork sausage, they used ground beef instead. Alas, another hamburger.
The first account of serving ground meat patties on buns – taking on the look of the hamburger as we know it today – took place in 1904 at the St. Louis World Fair. But it was many years later, in 1921, that an enterprising cook from Wichita, Kansas, Walt Anderson, introduced the concept of the hamburger restaurant. He convinced financier Billy Ingram to invest $700 to create The White Castle hamburger chain. It was an instant success. The rest of the history, we might say, belongs to McDonald’s.
And, no, a hamburger does not have any ham in it. Well, it’s not supposed to. Hamburger meat usually is made of 70-80% beef and fat and spices.
Why is a hotdog called a hotdog?
In 1987, Frankfurt, Germany celebrated the 500th birthday of the frankfurter, the hot dog sausage. Although, the people of Vienna (Wien), Austria will point out that their wiener sausages are proof of origin for the hot dog. (By the way, ham, being pork meat, is found in hotdogs.) In “Every wonder why?” Douglas B. Smith explains that the hotdog was given its name by a cartoonist.

In the meantime, frankfurters – and wieners – were sold as hot food by sausage sellers. In 1901, New York Times cartoonist T.A. Dargan noticed that one sausage seller used bread buns to handle the hot sausages after he burnt his fingers and decided to illustrate the incident. He wasn’t sure of the spelling of dachshund and simply called it “hot dog.”
Recipes for placing meat between slices of bread date back to Roman times. However, that was for steak, not minced meat. Thus, the steak burger is older than the hamburger!
Recipes for placing meat between slices of bread date back to Roman times. However, that was for steak, not minced meat. Thus, the steak burger is older than the hamburger!
Sausage is one of the oldest forms of processed food, having been mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey in the 9th century BC.
The tongue is a muscle with glands, sensory cells, and fatty tissue that helps to moisten food with saliva. You cannot taste food unless it is mixed with saliva. For instance, if salt is placed on a dry tongue, the taste buds will not be able to identify it. As soon as saliva is added, the salt dissolves and the taste sensation takes place.
There are 4 basic tastes. The salt and sweet taste buds are at the tip of the tongue, bitter at the base, and sour along the sides.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Mega Crystals of Naica Mine
Nestling up to a cauldron of pressurized, molten rock is almost never a good idea. But in Mexico's Naica mine, the payoff is worth the risk.
About 900 feet below the surface, there is a chamber filled with gypsum. It's the same stuff that goes in the drywall in your house, only in Naica it spent half a million years parboiling in a chamber filled with magma-heated water.
Suddenly miners showed up and started pumping the mineral-rich broth out to get at valuable silver and lead deposits nearby. The result is a cavern filled with crystals 36 feet long and weighing in at up to 55 tons, easily the largest in the world.
Watch a video about the Naica Mine cave at Discovery Channel!
Kourounis detailed his journey on his Web site:
"When we first arrived at the Naica mine, Manuel and his crew took us inside without wearing the special cooling suits. This was in order to get us used to what REAL heat is like. There is a steel door protecting the cave and as soon as you pass through it, the temperature hits you like a truck.
But as soon as you get your first glimpse of the incredible crystals, you want to keep going deeper. We were inside for only 14 minutes, which was pushing the danger limits without cooling suits. When we exited, the staging area was a "cool" 41 Celsius. My heart was pounding and I was completely soaked in sweat, my shirts, pants, socks & boots... Everything. All we could do was sit, drink and rest."
Cooling suits – vests of frozen gel packs surrounded by insulation, plus a backpack that supplies the wearer with chilled air to breathe – allow people to remain in the mine for close to an hour. Kourounis and his crew took the opportunity to snap these incredible images as well as shoot some video.
"I've never seen such a spectacular place. It was like setting foot on a new planet. Many of the crystals were so large that I couldn't even wrap my arms around them and the terrain was so difficult to walk on that we had to be extremely cautious not to slip and fall. Doing so would could get you impaled on a sharp crystal and would require a dangerous and difficult rescue."
Sadly, once the silver in Naica runs out, miners will likely turn the pumps off again. The chamber will fill with water, the crystals will once again be among Earth's vast, inaccessible depths.
Monday, February 15, 2010
:::Potensi Maut Ubatan Herba :::
MELBOURNE: Seorang pakar patalogi forensik University of Adelaide memberi amaran mengenai potensi risiko maut ubatan herba jika diambil dalam kuantiti banyak, disuntik atau dicampur dengan ubat preskripsi.
Kertas kerja oleh Profesor Roger Byard yang diterbitkan dalam Jurnal Sains Forensik berpejabat di Amerika Syarikat menyatakan peratusan besar pengguna di seluruh dunia percaya kandungan toksik semula jadi yang tinggi dalam banyak ubat-ubatan herba adalah selamat. “Persepsi ubatan herba adalah lebih selamat daripada ubat dikilangkan adalah salah, sedangkan kebanyakannya mengandungi arsenik, raksa dan plumbum yang berbahaya,” kata Profesor Byard dalam kenyataan dikeluarkan universiti itu.
Katanya, bahan itu boleh menyebabkan penyakit serius, memburukkan lagi masalah kesihatan dihidapi atau mengakibatkan kematian, khususnya jika diambil secara berlebihan atau disuntik.
Profesor Byard berkata, juga amat berbahaya jika ubat herba dicampur dengan ubat preskripsi.
“Akses kepada produk itu sebahagian besarnya tidak dihadkan dan banyak orang tidak memberitahu doktor mereka mengambil ubat herba kerana bimbang diperlekehkan, sumbangan ubatan itu kepada kematian mungkin tidak dapat dikesan sepenuhnya oleh autopsi biasa,” katanya.
Analisis dijalankan ke atas 251 produk herba Asia di kedai di Amerika Syarikat mendapati bahan arsenik dalam 36 produk, raksa dalam 35 produk dan plumbum dalam 24 produk. - Bernama
:::34 deaths alleged in Toyotas since 2000:::
WASHINGTON – Complaints of deaths connected to sudden acceleration in Toyota vehicles have surged in recent weeks, with the alleged death toll reaching 34 since 2000, according to new consumer data gathered by the government.
Complaints to a database maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration about the popular Toyota Prius hybrid grew by nearly 1,000 in just over a week.
On Monday, Transportation Department spokeswoman Olivia Alair said NHTSA is quickly gathering information to help guide the government's examination of sudden acceleration, the Prius braking system and other safety issues.
FILE - On this Feb. 8, 2010, photo, s modified accelerator pedal from a Toyota 2007 Hybrid Camry is replaced at Jack Taylor's Alexandria Toyota-Scion in Alexandria, Va. Complaints of deaths connected to sudden acceleration in Toyota vehicles has surged in recent weeks, with the alleged death toll reaching 34 since 2000, according to new consumer data gathered by the government
Toyota Motor Corp. has recalled 8.5 million vehicles globally during the past four months because of problems with gas pedals, floor mats and brakes, threatening the safety and quality reputation of the world's No. 1 automaker. The government typically receives a surge in complaints following a recall. None has yet been verified.
The new complaints reflect the heightened awareness of the massive recalls among the public and underscore a flurry of lawsuits on behalf of drivers alleging deaths and injuries in Toyota crashes. Three congressional hearings are planned on the Toyota recalls.
In the past three weeks, consumers have told the government about nine crashes involving 13 alleged deaths between 2005 and 2010 due to accelerator problems, according to a NHTSA database. The latest complaints come on top of information from consumers alleging 21 deaths from 2000 to the end of last year.
The database also shows that new complaints skyrocketed over the 2010 Prius gas-electric hybrid, which was recalled last week to replace braking software.
When NHTSA opened its investigation of Prius on Feb. 3, the government had received 124 consumer complaints. Through Feb. 11, the government had a total of 1,120 complaints alleging 34 crashes, six injuries and no deaths.
The government has renewed an investigation into potential electromagnetic problems in vehicles built by Toyota and other manufacturers. Consumer groups have pointed to potential electrical problems while the company has said recalls to fix sticking gas pedals or accelerators that can become jammed will address the problem.
Toyota spokeswoman Martha Voss said the company takes "all customer reports seriously and will, of course, look into new claims." Toyota was taking steps to improve quality control and investigate customer complaints more aggressively, Voss said.
Testing by Toyota, NHTSA and Exponent, an outside consulting firm hired by Toyota, has found no evidence of problems with Toyota's electronics, said Toyota Vice President Bob Carter at the National Automobile Dealers Association convention in Orlando, Fla.
"There is no problem with the electronic throttle system in Toyotas," Carter said Monday. "There's not anything that can even remotely lead you in that direction." Carter said Exponent was told to tear the components apart to try to find anything wrong and initial tests could find nothing.
Carter said Toyota has repaired about 500,000 of the 2.3 million vehicles recalled over a potentially sticky gas pedal.
Toyota has received many complaints over vehicle speed control in the 2009 and 2008 model years, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data.
In 2009, Toyota received the most complaints that year — a total of 130 for Toyota, Lexus and Scion vehicles. Ford and its Mercury brand received the second-highest with 14, followed by General Motors and Honda vehicles with 9.
Among Toyota vehicles in the 2009 model year, the Camry led the list of models with 52 complaints, followed by Corolla (17), Tacoma (16) and Prius (13). The AP found eight of the top 10 vehicles with complaints over vehicle speed control were manufactured by Toyota.
In the 2008 model year, Toyota vehicles received 176 complaints of vehicle speed control, followed by Ford with 44 and Chrysler with 25. In that year, Prius had 31 complaints, followed by Tacoma with 28 and Camry with 25.
Since Jan. 27, NHTSA has processed 686 complaints from consumers about problems related to "vehicle speed control" on cars and trucks manufactured by Toyota, nearly all of them submitted through NHTSA's Web site or by e-mail.
Regarding the AP analysis, Alair, the Transportation Department spokeswoman, noted that Toyota had a large market share of vehicles in the U.S. but said she could not comment on the AP figures without further analysis.
Complaints to a database maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration about the popular Toyota Prius hybrid grew by nearly 1,000 in just over a week.
On Monday, Transportation Department spokeswoman Olivia Alair said NHTSA is quickly gathering information to help guide the government's examination of sudden acceleration, the Prius braking system and other safety issues.
FILE - On this Feb. 8, 2010, photo, s modified accelerator pedal from a Toyota 2007 Hybrid Camry is replaced at Jack Taylor's Alexandria Toyota-Scion in Alexandria, Va. Complaints of deaths connected to sudden acceleration in Toyota vehicles has surged in recent weeks, with the alleged death toll reaching 34 since 2000, according to new consumer data gathered by the government
Toyota Motor Corp. has recalled 8.5 million vehicles globally during the past four months because of problems with gas pedals, floor mats and brakes, threatening the safety and quality reputation of the world's No. 1 automaker. The government typically receives a surge in complaints following a recall. None has yet been verified.
The new complaints reflect the heightened awareness of the massive recalls among the public and underscore a flurry of lawsuits on behalf of drivers alleging deaths and injuries in Toyota crashes. Three congressional hearings are planned on the Toyota recalls.
In the past three weeks, consumers have told the government about nine crashes involving 13 alleged deaths between 2005 and 2010 due to accelerator problems, according to a NHTSA database. The latest complaints come on top of information from consumers alleging 21 deaths from 2000 to the end of last year.
The database also shows that new complaints skyrocketed over the 2010 Prius gas-electric hybrid, which was recalled last week to replace braking software.
When NHTSA opened its investigation of Prius on Feb. 3, the government had received 124 consumer complaints. Through Feb. 11, the government had a total of 1,120 complaints alleging 34 crashes, six injuries and no deaths.
The government has renewed an investigation into potential electromagnetic problems in vehicles built by Toyota and other manufacturers. Consumer groups have pointed to potential electrical problems while the company has said recalls to fix sticking gas pedals or accelerators that can become jammed will address the problem.
Toyota spokeswoman Martha Voss said the company takes "all customer reports seriously and will, of course, look into new claims." Toyota was taking steps to improve quality control and investigate customer complaints more aggressively, Voss said.
Testing by Toyota, NHTSA and Exponent, an outside consulting firm hired by Toyota, has found no evidence of problems with Toyota's electronics, said Toyota Vice President Bob Carter at the National Automobile Dealers Association convention in Orlando, Fla.
"There is no problem with the electronic throttle system in Toyotas," Carter said Monday. "There's not anything that can even remotely lead you in that direction." Carter said Exponent was told to tear the components apart to try to find anything wrong and initial tests could find nothing.
Carter said Toyota has repaired about 500,000 of the 2.3 million vehicles recalled over a potentially sticky gas pedal.
Toyota has received many complaints over vehicle speed control in the 2009 and 2008 model years, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data.
In 2009, Toyota received the most complaints that year — a total of 130 for Toyota, Lexus and Scion vehicles. Ford and its Mercury brand received the second-highest with 14, followed by General Motors and Honda vehicles with 9.
Among Toyota vehicles in the 2009 model year, the Camry led the list of models with 52 complaints, followed by Corolla (17), Tacoma (16) and Prius (13). The AP found eight of the top 10 vehicles with complaints over vehicle speed control were manufactured by Toyota.
In the 2008 model year, Toyota vehicles received 176 complaints of vehicle speed control, followed by Ford with 44 and Chrysler with 25. In that year, Prius had 31 complaints, followed by Tacoma with 28 and Camry with 25.
Since Jan. 27, NHTSA has processed 686 complaints from consumers about problems related to "vehicle speed control" on cars and trucks manufactured by Toyota, nearly all of them submitted through NHTSA's Web site or by e-mail.
Regarding the AP analysis, Alair, the Transportation Department spokeswoman, noted that Toyota had a large market share of vehicles in the U.S. but said she could not comment on the AP figures without further analysis.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
::FaceBook and Friendship::
Haha....actually,,i have nothing to say about this.......I do love facebook so you know why???.....first of all,i love facebook because,,i can meet and stay in touch with my friends from all over Malaysia.....of course i have a lot of friends,,from my kindergarden to my primary schoolnthen my secondary shcool,last but not list my collegue friends.......
For my SKSiS friends,(thun 2000 kot),,i hope we can make a reunion someday........
For my SMK Dang Anum n SMKdary friends,,Chaiyok guys in your study!!......
For My Belove SBPi SELANDAR,,thanks for everythings......."Nahnu Nuhibbu SiSME Kathiran Jiddan!"
My SBPiS frens,i Hope we could make a big REU-NiON oneday,,together with those Oversea friends!...InsyaAllah.....
And lastly,My UTPians,,you're the best!!!.....
For my SKSiS friends,(thun 2000 kot),,i hope we can make a reunion someday........
For my SMK Dang Anum n SMKdary friends,,Chaiyok guys in your study!!......
For My Belove SBPi SELANDAR,,thanks for everythings......."Nahnu Nuhibbu SiSME Kathiran Jiddan!"
My SBPiS frens,i Hope we could make a big REU-NiON oneday,,together with those Oversea friends!...InsyaAllah.....
And lastly,My UTPians,,you're the best!!!.....
"Friends,without you,Who am I............"
Forever Friends
Sometimes in life,
you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.
When you're down,
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world
suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through
the hard times, the sad times,
and the confused times.
Your forever friend holds your hand
and tells you that
everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life,
When you're down,
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world
suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through
the hard times, the sad times,
and the confused times.
Your forever friend holds your hand
and tells you that
everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life,
and forever has no end.
-May Allah bless all of you-
::we hope u guys can wait for it soon!
ini logo dia....
::we hope u guys can wait for it soon!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Apa bende ni & macam mana system ni bergerak?(versi dialog)
Apa bende ni & macam mana system ni bergerak?
Program ni simple je bukan MLM, kita cerita pong pang pong pang pun.. kesudahan nya.. ni cume cerita RM100 ringgit je
so, cube u all bygkan setiap hari u all dpt paling kurang RM100 sebulan dah RM3000, pastu tak payah cari org just online facebook and ym je
owh senag nye..n then??
ok i teruskan, so itu just permulaan sahaje effort u hanya pada 4 org and thats it. FULL STOP
kenapa kene 4 org? kita perlukan 4 org untuk sistem ni mula bergerak dan kita dpt duit secara
automatic. contohnya, kalau kita nak hidup kan enjin kereta, kita perlukan kunci
so, 4 org ni adalah kita punya kunci untuk jalan kan sistem ni
so.. setakat ni ade yg kurang faham?
OK pahamkan? K i truskan kita bukannya cerita bende yg susah.. siapa sini rase susah nk dptkan 4 org yg ade rm100 bukan nye beribu2.... if u rase susah? angkat tangan
ok.. i x nmpak pun tgn korang u.. so i tau mmg sgt tak susah insya'allah
dr 4 org ni lah bermula segalanya.... mcm mana?
OK..bila kita dah join, kita semua telah di jatuhkan 3 HUKUMAN yg mana kita xda pilihan
hukuman pertama: dapatkan 4 org
hukuman kedua: hilang 2 org
hukuman ketiga: i akan cerita kemudian
npe plak??
Hehehe kan i bg tau td, kita perlukan 4 org supaya sistem ni boleh mula bergerak
so... sekarang you all bygkan rajah yg MLM selalu lukis tu
bulat2 mcm buah anggur tu
ok. memula u dpt 4 org. so ade 4 org bwh korang kan?
org pertama akan bg u 100 pasal apa? nnt i cerita
org kedua korang akan akan byr kepada i, ke tiga kepada u n ke empat kepada i
so... dlm rajah bulat2 buah anggur tu, u hilangkan org yg kedua and ke empat
so.. sekarang buah anggur korang tggal berapa biji? Jawab......
2 biji.. encik hafiz
ok. pandai
so.. sekarang kita label kan anggur tu dgn A & B u igt tak hukuman pertama?
apa dia hukuman pertama? tlg jawab
cari 4 org en hafiz...good girl.
ok skrg, setiap biji anggur u akan cari 4 lagi anggur betul tak?
sal diorng pun kene hukuman yg sama. and hukuman kedua pulak ape die?
hilang 2 org en hafiz..
pandai... so kira diaorang buat mende yg sama cam u buat
jadi anggur A hilang 2 org bg kat korang, & anggur B hilang dua org bagi kat u
so skrng korang dah dapat 4 biji anggur free!!! betul tak?
Ha’ah betul la hafiz!!
Hehehe.. kan i dah ckp... ok sekarang kita namakan anggur free ni dgn 1,2,3,4
so.. diorng ni kene hukum jugak...mana aci u kena hukuman tapi org lain tak kene!!!
betul tak?..........
so... skrg kita cte pasal anggur u yg baru tu, anggur-anggur yg dapat free tuh.
Disebabkan anggur A & B dah menjalani hukuman yg setimpal jd diorng dah bebas
U dah tak boleh kacau die dah. Setiap org cume kene sekali je la hukuman...
Jadi sekarang, masa untuk anggur 1,2,3,4 (anggur junior) menjalani hukuman yg setimpal
igt kan ape hukuman dia? Cube ckp kat diri sendiri apa hukuman die......
1. kene caari 4 org...pastu?
2. hilang 2 org...
Bijak lah you!! Kenapa you senyum? Hahaha..
So kita teruskan k...
Keempa-empat anggur junior ni akan menjalani hukuman yg sama
iaitu cari 4 org and hilang 2 org... so anggur 1,2,3,4 akan bg u 2 org baru setiap sorng
jadi dia kan jadi mcm ni 4x2=? berapa?
Yey!!! dapat free 8 biji anggur! Haha yg mana setiap anggur akan bagi kita RM100
See...tanpa kita cari dah dapat free 8 biji... yg kita label kan sebagai Merah, hijau,
biru,kuning, hitam, kelabu, putih dan unggu. Jadi sekarang berapa biji anggur free yg u dah dpt?
Cube kira...
Jap ye hafiz, i nak kira jap. Hurm.. memula dapat 4 junior = 1,2,3,4 (4 biji)... pastu dapat pulak aggur kaler kaler 8 biji.. Merah, hijau, biru,kuning, hitam, kelabu, putih dan unggu (8 biji anggur)
Jadi 4+8= 12.... 12 BIJI!!!! Hafiz... i dapat 12 BIJI anggur baru lah!!!
Hehehe... bagus lah.. setiap anggur berapa $$ yg dia bagi kat u?
RM100... jadi kalau 12 biji = RM100 x 12 = RM1200!!!! Wah!! Bestnye!!!
I dah nmpak skit dah hafiz.... teruskan lagi...
OK.. nnt jgn lupa belanja it eh tarik k?
so.. bende ni berterusan sampai bila-bila... infinity.... pasal setiap org baru kene menjalani
hukuman 1 & 2 td. Chup-chup-chup... hafiz habaq sket klo kita terlebey rajin cari lebih dr 4
Tak payah!! Buat u penat je.. tp kalau u rajin, apa salah nya... haha
RM1200 tu banyak tak? Hahah boleh la kan.. modal baru RM100 je..
Tp i dpt lebih skit... i dah dapat RM5900 hehehe baru je 8 hari buat...
OK, so skrng u dah nmpak tak? You rase nk close org rm100 susah tak?
drpd MLM minima kira-kira RM500.. tu pun belum tau pulang modal balik bila...
tp yg ni rm100 je..kadang2 tu bila ujung minggu kita kuar, sehari pun boleh habis..
so skrng u nmpak tak? pergerak sistem ni?
die akan jadi satu garis lurus mcm highway, die tak turun ke bawah
Kalau MLM...menurunnnn ke bawah..
dan mlm nak kene pairing kan lagi so menarik tak mende ni?
Tepuk dada Tanya selera... kalau nak cuba baru RM100 je..
Skrng i kita refresh balik flow program ni memula masukkan kunci ( 4 org) - enjin pun akan hidup - bila enjin hidup.. kereta pun mulalah berjalan. Nak jalan pegi mana? Pegi la mana mana yg you suke.
OK secara matematiknya (4-2= y) x 2 = M (nilai yg berubah)
Memula 4 org, pastu hilang 2 and tinggal 2
Dari 2 > jd 4 > jd 8 > jd 16 > jd 32 >jd 64 >jd 128 >jd 256 > jd 512 > jd 1024 ............
simple tak you? Bende ni logic pasal bende ni just rumus matematik, and die akan jadi sendiri kerana semua org terikat dengan ‘HUKUMAN-HUKUMAN’ tadi.
woooohhh...simple...logic la hafiz....
tp hafiz, kita kene cari org yg betul-betul la kan.. cos nnt dia malas nak cari org plak...
hafiz: hahaha.. kalau di malas or rajin sekali pun... kita cuma dpt 2 org je dari die
tak lebih dan tak kurang
Jadi sekarang, you rasa agak-agak la berapa lama masa yg korang perlukan utk dptkan 4 org yg ade RM100 sorang and yang nak duit and TAK SUKE MLM?
jawab please
insya’allah dalam masa seminggu boleh kot.....
Ok. so kita ckp la seminggu kan and jadi kita amik satu pengiraan yg ideal iaitu semua org amik semiggu sorang
jadi minggu pertama: = (4-2) x RM100 =RM200
tu yg u dpt pada mggu pertama
mggu kedua:=(2x2) x RM100 = RM400
minggu ketiga:= (4x2) x RM100 = RM800
mggu ke empat:= (8x2) x RM100 = RM1600
mggu kelima:= (16x2) x RM100 = RM3200
mggu keenam:= (32x2)xRM100= RM6400
mggu ketujuh:= (64 x 2) x RM100 = RM12800
mggu kelapan:= (128x2)xRM100 =RM25,600
nggu ke sembilan :=(256 x 2) x RM100 = RM512,000
mggu kesepuluh:= (512 x 2)x RM100 = RM124,000
ha... tu baru mggu ke sepuluh je... yg mana setiap mggu die akan double up.. kerana terikat kepada‘HUKUMAN-HUKUMAN’ td. Yang mana dekat sini, kalau reality nye u pasti akan dapat juga amount tu tp cume masa je yg tak tahu bila kerana kat sini masa je yg berubah-rubah.. pasal ade org yg cume mengambil 3 hari sahaja untuk dpt kan 4 org, ada yg seminggu, ada yg sebulan atau setahun...Jadi dekat sini, LOGIK!! Bukannya angan-angan di atas kertas sahaja.
Untuk pengetahuan u di USA, setiap 20 hari seorang jutawan akan lahir melalui system ini
Jadi sekarang you rasa nak cuba tak? RM100 je..mana lah tau ada rezeki u kat sini.
Btw program dah mula bile?? baru mula bulan FEB kat USA and dekat Malaysia baru bulan lepas
pasal ada satu student Malaysia dekat sana yg bawak balik program ni ke Malaysia, dia balik cuti
kat Malaysia baru 700 ~ 800 org je yg buat program ni
tapi tak kisah la baru or lama yg penting ni bukan MLM, dan untuk pengetahuan u, I sekarang dalamrangka kerja tgh bukak market Singapore, Indonesia & Australia yg mana kita akan share sorng sikit..
OK, sekarang kita terus kan lagi. I nak Tanya you,
kalau kita pakai prepaid, RM30 = berapa lama boleh pakai?
Hurm...1 bulan!
Ok, jadi bulan depan apa yg u perlu buat tuk pakai number tu lg?
kene top up la, so program ni kene top up ke hafiz??
Hafiz: Yup! Sebenarnya bukan top up tapi RENEW, RM 100 tu cuma boleh tahan 30 hari sahaja
YOU : owh...klo sy tak dpt 4 org dlm masa 30 hari i tak dpt teruskan la..
Hafiz: bukan...salah tu, die mcm ni... kene RENEW RM100 supaya you boleh pakai lagi account u
And teruskan dpt duit sebulan di kira dari tarikh bila account you di active kan, bukan di kira pada 1hb – 30hb.
You: so every month nak kene RENEW RM 100...
Hafiz: yup tapi you just kuarkan seratus je... tp dpt dah beribu-ribu and rase-rasenya nya rugi tak?
You: tak la... :P npe nak rugi plak? klo tiap-tiap hari dpt minimum RM100...
see... kalau tak RENEW tu siapa yg rugi??
You: tapi hafiz, apa keuntungan kita kalau kita renew?
Hafiz: OK, asal usulnya u cume kne hukum bagi 2(dua) org je kat atas kan... tapi kalau u tak RENEW semua anggur u hilang & naik kat atas
Hafiz: haaaaa.......... rugi tak?
You: owh yeke ke... alamak..rugi kate kan lah... u dah buat sampai minggu ke empat ( pengiraan ideal, setiap org dpt 4 org dalam mase 7 hari) berapa biji anggur yg u ade pada minggu keempat? cube cek balik kat atas
You: 8x2=16 anggur..
Hafiz: so.. 4 minggu = 1 bulan betul tak?
You: betul....
Hafiz: ok... sekarng ni byg kan u ade 16 org pastu diorng semua pun RENEW la kan sal diorng pun
taknak hilang anggur2 diorangso berapa $$ u dpt untuk bulan depan? cepat sikit, ni matematik je
You: 16 x RM100 = RM1600
Hafiz: PANDAI!! jadi ini bermakna u confirm dapat RM1600 bulan depan
Hafiz: pastu... setiap org kan kene hukuman... Igt tak ape die hukuman number 2?
You: hilang 2 org...
hafiz: kalau mcm tu.. 16 org lama ni akan bagi u 32 org baru kan? (16x2)
you: betul...
Hafiz: skrng ni kita anggap 16 org ni join pada bulan Januari so... diorng akan renew RM100 setiap org untuk bulan February, jadi u confirm dapat RM1600 pada bulan February
Hafiz: RM1600 tu u dapat dari org yg join pada bulan January, tp u jangan lupa yg kita semua terikat kepada HUKUMAN, so 16 org pada bulan January akan bagi u 32 org baru untuk bulan February Jadi, bulan February u akan dapat RM1600 (org RENEW) + RM3200 (org baru) = RM4800 pada bulan Mac = RM1600 ( org bulan January RENEW) + RM3200 ( org bulan February RENEW) + RM 6400 (org baru yg you dpt dari org bulan February) = RM11,200
Hafiz: Jadi pada bulan Mac u akan dapat RM11,200 Pada bulan April lak RM11,200(total income yg you dpt hasil dari RENEWAL) tu still ade + RM12,800 (org baru yg you dapat dari org bulan Mac) = RM23,000 dan ini akan berterusan sampai bila-bila insya’allah...
Hafiz: dan inilah HUKUMAN ke 3 – iaitu RENEW sini saya tulis balik hukuman-hukuman die:
1- dpt kan kunci- 4 org
2-hilang 2 org
You: chup-chup-chup hafiz... kalau org kita tak RENEW macam mana?
Hafiz: Kita lah yang untung pasal semua anggur-anggur dia dapat kat kita
So kalau u rase ok, u click dekat link ini & jangan lupa gantikan dgn ID sponsor you all:
Apa bende ni & macam mana system ni bergerak?
Program ni simple je bukan MLM, kita cerita pong pang pong pang pun.. kesudahan nya.. ni cume cerita RM100 ringgit je
so, cube u all bygkan setiap hari u all dpt paling kurang RM100 sebulan dah RM3000, pastu tak payah cari org just online facebook and ym je
owh senag nye..n then??
ok i teruskan, so itu just permulaan sahaje effort u hanya pada 4 org and thats it. FULL STOP
kenapa kene 4 org? kita perlukan 4 org untuk sistem ni mula bergerak dan kita dpt duit secara
automatic. contohnya, kalau kita nak hidup kan enjin kereta, kita perlukan kunci
so, 4 org ni adalah kita punya kunci untuk jalan kan sistem ni
so.. setakat ni ade yg kurang faham?
OK pahamkan? K i truskan kita bukannya cerita bende yg susah.. siapa sini rase susah nk dptkan 4 org yg ade rm100 bukan nye beribu2.... if u rase susah? angkat tangan
ok.. i x nmpak pun tgn korang u.. so i tau mmg sgt tak susah insya'allah
dr 4 org ni lah bermula segalanya.... mcm mana?
OK..bila kita dah join, kita semua telah di jatuhkan 3 HUKUMAN yg mana kita xda pilihan
hukuman pertama: dapatkan 4 org
hukuman kedua: hilang 2 org
hukuman ketiga: i akan cerita kemudian
npe plak??
Hehehe kan i bg tau td, kita perlukan 4 org supaya sistem ni boleh mula bergerak
so... sekarang you all bygkan rajah yg MLM selalu lukis tu
bulat2 mcm buah anggur tu
ok. memula u dpt 4 org. so ade 4 org bwh korang kan?
org pertama akan bg u 100 pasal apa? nnt i cerita
org kedua korang akan akan byr kepada i, ke tiga kepada u n ke empat kepada i
so... dlm rajah bulat2 buah anggur tu, u hilangkan org yg kedua and ke empat
so.. sekarang buah anggur korang tggal berapa biji? Jawab......
2 biji.. encik hafiz
ok. pandai
so.. sekarang kita label kan anggur tu dgn A & B u igt tak hukuman pertama?
apa dia hukuman pertama? tlg jawab
cari 4 org en hafiz...good girl.
ok skrg, setiap biji anggur u akan cari 4 lagi anggur betul tak?
sal diorng pun kene hukuman yg sama. and hukuman kedua pulak ape die?
hilang 2 org en hafiz..
pandai... so kira diaorang buat mende yg sama cam u buat
jadi anggur A hilang 2 org bg kat korang, & anggur B hilang dua org bagi kat u
so skrng korang dah dapat 4 biji anggur free!!! betul tak?
Ha’ah betul la hafiz!!
Hehehe.. kan i dah ckp... ok sekarang kita namakan anggur free ni dgn 1,2,3,4
so.. diorng ni kene hukum jugak...mana aci u kena hukuman tapi org lain tak kene!!!
betul tak?..........
so... skrg kita cte pasal anggur u yg baru tu, anggur-anggur yg dapat free tuh.
Disebabkan anggur A & B dah menjalani hukuman yg setimpal jd diorng dah bebas
U dah tak boleh kacau die dah. Setiap org cume kene sekali je la hukuman...
Jadi sekarang, masa untuk anggur 1,2,3,4 (anggur junior) menjalani hukuman yg setimpal
igt kan ape hukuman dia? Cube ckp kat diri sendiri apa hukuman die......
1. kene caari 4 org...pastu?
2. hilang 2 org...
Bijak lah you!! Kenapa you senyum? Hahaha..
So kita teruskan k...
Keempa-empat anggur junior ni akan menjalani hukuman yg sama
iaitu cari 4 org and hilang 2 org... so anggur 1,2,3,4 akan bg u 2 org baru setiap sorng
jadi dia kan jadi mcm ni 4x2=? berapa?
Yey!!! dapat free 8 biji anggur! Haha yg mana setiap anggur akan bagi kita RM100
See...tanpa kita cari dah dapat free 8 biji... yg kita label kan sebagai Merah, hijau,
biru,kuning, hitam, kelabu, putih dan unggu. Jadi sekarang berapa biji anggur free yg u dah dpt?
Cube kira...
Jap ye hafiz, i nak kira jap. Hurm.. memula dapat 4 junior = 1,2,3,4 (4 biji)... pastu dapat pulak aggur kaler kaler 8 biji.. Merah, hijau, biru,kuning, hitam, kelabu, putih dan unggu (8 biji anggur)
Jadi 4+8= 12.... 12 BIJI!!!! Hafiz... i dapat 12 BIJI anggur baru lah!!!
Hehehe... bagus lah.. setiap anggur berapa $$ yg dia bagi kat u?
RM100... jadi kalau 12 biji = RM100 x 12 = RM1200!!!! Wah!! Bestnye!!!
I dah nmpak skit dah hafiz.... teruskan lagi...
OK.. nnt jgn lupa belanja it eh tarik k?
so.. bende ni berterusan sampai bila-bila... infinity.... pasal setiap org baru kene menjalani
hukuman 1 & 2 td. Chup-chup-chup... hafiz habaq sket klo kita terlebey rajin cari lebih dr 4
Tak payah!! Buat u penat je.. tp kalau u rajin, apa salah nya... haha
RM1200 tu banyak tak? Hahah boleh la kan.. modal baru RM100 je..
Tp i dpt lebih skit... i dah dapat RM5900 hehehe baru je 8 hari buat...
OK, so skrng u dah nmpak tak? You rase nk close org rm100 susah tak?
drpd MLM minima kira-kira RM500.. tu pun belum tau pulang modal balik bila...
tp yg ni rm100 je..kadang2 tu bila ujung minggu kita kuar, sehari pun boleh habis..
so skrng u nmpak tak? pergerak sistem ni?
die akan jadi satu garis lurus mcm highway, die tak turun ke bawah
Kalau MLM...menurunnnn ke bawah..
dan mlm nak kene pairing kan lagi so menarik tak mende ni?
Tepuk dada Tanya selera... kalau nak cuba baru RM100 je..
Skrng i kita refresh balik flow program ni memula masukkan kunci ( 4 org) - enjin pun akan hidup - bila enjin hidup.. kereta pun mulalah berjalan. Nak jalan pegi mana? Pegi la mana mana yg you suke.
OK secara matematiknya (4-2= y) x 2 = M (nilai yg berubah)
Memula 4 org, pastu hilang 2 and tinggal 2
Dari 2 > jd 4 > jd 8 > jd 16 > jd 32 >jd 64 >jd 128 >jd 256 > jd 512 > jd 1024 ............
simple tak you? Bende ni logic pasal bende ni just rumus matematik, and die akan jadi sendiri kerana semua org terikat dengan ‘HUKUMAN-HUKUMAN’ tadi.
woooohhh...simple...logic la hafiz....
tp hafiz, kita kene cari org yg betul-betul la kan.. cos nnt dia malas nak cari org plak...
hafiz: hahaha.. kalau di malas or rajin sekali pun... kita cuma dpt 2 org je dari die
tak lebih dan tak kurang
Jadi sekarang, you rasa agak-agak la berapa lama masa yg korang perlukan utk dptkan 4 org yg ade RM100 sorang and yang nak duit and TAK SUKE MLM?
jawab please
insya’allah dalam masa seminggu boleh kot.....
Ok. so kita ckp la seminggu kan and jadi kita amik satu pengiraan yg ideal iaitu semua org amik semiggu sorang
jadi minggu pertama: = (4-2) x RM100 =RM200
tu yg u dpt pada mggu pertama
mggu kedua:=(2x2) x RM100 = RM400
minggu ketiga:= (4x2) x RM100 = RM800
mggu ke empat:= (8x2) x RM100 = RM1600
mggu kelima:= (16x2) x RM100 = RM3200
mggu keenam:= (32x2)xRM100= RM6400
mggu ketujuh:= (64 x 2) x RM100 = RM12800
mggu kelapan:= (128x2)xRM100 =RM25,600
nggu ke sembilan :=(256 x 2) x RM100 = RM512,000
mggu kesepuluh:= (512 x 2)x RM100 = RM124,000
ha... tu baru mggu ke sepuluh je... yg mana setiap mggu die akan double up.. kerana terikat kepada‘HUKUMAN-HUKUMAN’ td. Yang mana dekat sini, kalau reality nye u pasti akan dapat juga amount tu tp cume masa je yg tak tahu bila kerana kat sini masa je yg berubah-rubah.. pasal ade org yg cume mengambil 3 hari sahaja untuk dpt kan 4 org, ada yg seminggu, ada yg sebulan atau setahun...Jadi dekat sini, LOGIK!! Bukannya angan-angan di atas kertas sahaja.
Untuk pengetahuan u di USA, setiap 20 hari seorang jutawan akan lahir melalui system ini
Jadi sekarang you rasa nak cuba tak? RM100 je..mana lah tau ada rezeki u kat sini.
Btw program dah mula bile?? baru mula bulan FEB kat USA and dekat Malaysia baru bulan lepas
pasal ada satu student Malaysia dekat sana yg bawak balik program ni ke Malaysia, dia balik cuti
kat Malaysia baru 700 ~ 800 org je yg buat program ni
tapi tak kisah la baru or lama yg penting ni bukan MLM, dan untuk pengetahuan u, I sekarang dalamrangka kerja tgh bukak market Singapore, Indonesia & Australia yg mana kita akan share sorng sikit..
OK, sekarang kita terus kan lagi. I nak Tanya you,
kalau kita pakai prepaid, RM30 = berapa lama boleh pakai?
Hurm...1 bulan!
Ok, jadi bulan depan apa yg u perlu buat tuk pakai number tu lg?
kene top up la, so program ni kene top up ke hafiz??
Hafiz: Yup! Sebenarnya bukan top up tapi RENEW, RM 100 tu cuma boleh tahan 30 hari sahaja
YOU : owh...klo sy tak dpt 4 org dlm masa 30 hari i tak dpt teruskan la..
Hafiz: bukan...salah tu, die mcm ni... kene RENEW RM100 supaya you boleh pakai lagi account u
And teruskan dpt duit sebulan di kira dari tarikh bila account you di active kan, bukan di kira pada 1hb – 30hb.
You: so every month nak kene RENEW RM 100...
Hafiz: yup tapi you just kuarkan seratus je... tp dpt dah beribu-ribu and rase-rasenya nya rugi tak?
You: tak la... :P npe nak rugi plak? klo tiap-tiap hari dpt minimum RM100...
see... kalau tak RENEW tu siapa yg rugi??
You: tapi hafiz, apa keuntungan kita kalau kita renew?
Hafiz: OK, asal usulnya u cume kne hukum bagi 2(dua) org je kat atas kan... tapi kalau u tak RENEW semua anggur u hilang & naik kat atas
Hafiz: haaaaa.......... rugi tak?
You: owh yeke ke... alamak..rugi kate kan lah... u dah buat sampai minggu ke empat ( pengiraan ideal, setiap org dpt 4 org dalam mase 7 hari) berapa biji anggur yg u ade pada minggu keempat? cube cek balik kat atas
You: 8x2=16 anggur..
Hafiz: so.. 4 minggu = 1 bulan betul tak?
You: betul....
Hafiz: ok... sekarng ni byg kan u ade 16 org pastu diorng semua pun RENEW la kan sal diorng pun
taknak hilang anggur2 diorangso berapa $$ u dpt untuk bulan depan? cepat sikit, ni matematik je
You: 16 x RM100 = RM1600
Hafiz: PANDAI!! jadi ini bermakna u confirm dapat RM1600 bulan depan
Hafiz: pastu... setiap org kan kene hukuman... Igt tak ape die hukuman number 2?
You: hilang 2 org...
hafiz: kalau mcm tu.. 16 org lama ni akan bagi u 32 org baru kan? (16x2)
you: betul...
Hafiz: skrng ni kita anggap 16 org ni join pada bulan Januari so... diorng akan renew RM100 setiap org untuk bulan February, jadi u confirm dapat RM1600 pada bulan February
Hafiz: RM1600 tu u dapat dari org yg join pada bulan January, tp u jangan lupa yg kita semua terikat kepada HUKUMAN, so 16 org pada bulan January akan bagi u 32 org baru untuk bulan February Jadi, bulan February u akan dapat RM1600 (org RENEW) + RM3200 (org baru) = RM4800 pada bulan Mac = RM1600 ( org bulan January RENEW) + RM3200 ( org bulan February RENEW) + RM 6400 (org baru yg you dpt dari org bulan February) = RM11,200
Hafiz: Jadi pada bulan Mac u akan dapat RM11,200 Pada bulan April lak RM11,200(total income yg you dpt hasil dari RENEWAL) tu still ade + RM12,800 (org baru yg you dapat dari org bulan Mac) = RM23,000 dan ini akan berterusan sampai bila-bila insya’allah...
Hafiz: dan inilah HUKUMAN ke 3 – iaitu RENEW sini saya tulis balik hukuman-hukuman die:
1- dpt kan kunci- 4 org
2-hilang 2 org
You: chup-chup-chup hafiz... kalau org kita tak RENEW macam mana?
Hafiz: Kita lah yang untung pasal semua anggur-anggur dia dapat kat kita
So kalau u rase ok, u click dekat link ini & jangan lupa gantikan dgn ID sponsor you all:
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